Monday, May 13, 2024

Thule - Graks (1997)

The fourth album from this band from Norway.

The band was a trio with a lineup of percussion, bass, guitars, synths, samples, keyboards and vocals.

Two guests added saxophones and vocals.

Thule is one of those mythical bands in the progressive rock and art-rock genres. They are also popular among extreme metal musicians and fanzines. Their reputation has been forged by their location, Honningsvaag which is 35 km from the North Cape, the most northern point in Europa and in the Arctic region (yes, I have been there... done the 35 km on a pushbike..... one of the best experiences in my life) and through their legendary 1990 album Natt. An album many regard as a masterpiece.

Their first three albums plus the one recorded under the name Ultima Thule was recorded on a small budget. Somehow, the band got a pretty big recording budget and the band spent the money on recording Graks.

The unrestrained Thule offers up a cold, gothic piece of psych rock. There is also a lot of progressive rock. 

There is also a lot of influences from their Natt opus floating around in their sound and music.

The vocals is really dark and gothic. Ditto for most of the music too. Some of the music is both dark and playful. Strange, but Thule manage to sound both playful and pithc dark black at the same time. Living in a town in the Arctic region and all that.....

The songs are all good. There is a lot of very good pieces here too. Most of the music is also fascinating and spellbinding. I think I am under the spell of Thule. Does that worry me ? Nope. 

Check out this album and grab yourself a copy of Natt too. These two albums compliments each other.

3.5 points

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