Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Father Figure - Congratulations On Your Loss (2012)

The debut album from this band from USA.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitar and organ.

A guest provided saxophone.

This short lived band released two albums between 2012 and 2014. Both of them are up for review in this blog this week.

The dish served here is math-rock with a lot of post-rock influences and some eclectic prog and jazz influences.

The three quarters of an hour long name-your-price Bandcamp album (and digi-pack CD) has a cold, emotionally detached sound. Even with the saxophone, the music is dry math-rock.

I gladly admit that I am not a fan of this genre. That said, this is not a bad album. The rhythm structures are interesting and in the King Crimson school of thoughts.

The result is a decent enough album from a genre with few fans and followers. It is still well worth checking out.

2 points

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