Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Beggars Opera - All Tomorrows Thinking (2010)

The 11th album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This band who started out in Glasgow, Scotland is still alive on this album. Now as a trio and without a bassist. But the band has had had a female vocalist on the last albums.... and the band let go of bass many albums ago too.

The music is a mix of post-punk, psych rock, art-rock and pop. 

Mother Gong now sounds like a good reference and I should have noticed this reference on the last two albums too. There is some Gili Smyth like weirdness here.

That in addition to the other weirdness in their music. 

The music is pretty good. Good and unique. Unique when it comes to the progressive rock scene. A scene the band is still a part of due to their first three semi-classic progressive rock albums. Hence my reviews of their albums.

This is not a bad album. It is an album well worth checking out.

2.5 points



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