Monday, October 7, 2024

Entity - Il Naufragio Della Speranza (2024)

The second album from this band from Italy.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

The band returns after a ten years long pause. Their 2014 album Il Falso Centro was superb and is one of the best post-1970s RPI albums of all time. I reviewed it back in June 2014 in # 1 of this blog.

The music is still a return to the 1970s RPI scene with a lot of Banco references.  

The music is pretty muscular and epic. There is also some more pastoral pieces of music here. It is also mid-tempo with some slower parts here and then.

The music is songs based but it still feels like a fifty minutes long piece of music. The songs are well balanced with some piano interludes and opening tones of some of the songs.

The vocals are Italian and they are very good. Ditto for the keyboards, sometimes acting as pianos. 

The sound is very good and there are a few piece of great music here too.

The result is a very good album. It is not as good as the debut album. Nevertheless, both their albums should be essential purchases for RPI fans.

3.5 points


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