Friday, August 2, 2024

Saqqarah - Genese (1996)

The debut album from this band from France.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This band has altogether released three albums. Their last one some weeks ago.

I reviewed their second album, the 2005 album The Awakening back in April 2015 for # 1 of this blog. It is a fairly good neo-prog album. I will review their new album in some days time.

This seventy minutes long album, Genese, is their debut album and it was released as a private pressing. It has got next to no attention. 

That is a shame as the band is a good band. The vocals are in French and they are good. They are not on the same high level as the vocals from Fish in Marillion.... the band they sounds like.

There are a lot of Marillion influences here. But Saqqarah is not a Marillion copycat. Instead, they have also taken the influences from the likes of Ange and Mona Lisa and put them to good use.

The music is really melodic but also pretty muscular. It also has these French symphonic prog influences throughout the album.

This is a good album and one who deserve a lot more attention. Neo-prog fans should check out this album.

3 points

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