Sunday, June 2, 2024

Kamikaze Scotsmen - Modern Day Gardening (2016)

The one and only album from this band from Hungary.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

Having moved to Scotland thirty years ago, their band name caught my attention and I got their EPs and this album.

The band has released some EPs through Bandcamp before they released this album. This album too was released through Bandcamp.

The music is a mix of experimental pop/rock, art rock and psych rock. There is also some post rock influences here.

The music on this fifty minutes long album is mid-tempo and quite lively. It is also quite melodic.

The vocals and the guitars are pretty good.

The problem with this album is the lack of good songs. There is also a lot of band doing the same type of music and the only one thing that makes this band different is the band name. A funny band name who does not translate to good music. 

This album is a name-your-price album and well worth a download.

2 points

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