Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Spooky Tooth - You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw (1973)

The fifth album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, harmonica, organ, piano and vocals.

Some female vocalists added their voices too.

And the band played on....... 

Their last album was not exactly a triumph. Neither artistic or commercially. So the band returned again with this strange titled album.

What we get here is a mix of psych rock, blues rock, hard rock..... and soul and gospel.

The vocals is pretty good and the band does their best on some not so interesting songs.

The soul and gospel inspired rock here shows how far the band has left their roots and their best days behind them.

A couple of decent songs is the only acceptable pieces of music on this rather dire album.

1.5 points



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