Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mother Black Cap - Caveman TV (2023)

The fourth album from this band from Great Britain.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, organ, piano, keyboards and vocals.

Some guests helped them out on bass, sequencer, keyboards, guitars, percussion, keyboards and backing vocals.

The band from the Norfolk of England returned again after some years of silence. I have reviewed their first three albums and they are pretty good albums.

Their music is earthly rock with some pub rock, pomp rock, psych rock and neo-prog influences.

The tracks here is pretty long with the title track clocking in at sixteen minutes. It is still not anywhere near symphonic prog. Pomp rock is the right label. There are some Pink Floyd influences on that track and the rest of this forty-five minutes long album.

The vocals is barely decent and the songs are a bit hard to remember. In short, this album is being let down by some not so good compositions and ditto vocals. The music is simply a bit too pedestrian and dull to really make me sit up and really get into it.


2 points

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