Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Last Ark Out - Lift (2024)

The second album from this band from Canada.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, voices and saxophone.

Some guests added drums, synths and woodwinds.

This band from Vancouver on the Pacific coast of Canada released their debut album back in 2017. An EP was also released. All this through Bandcamp.

Their music is jazz. Some may even label this as fusion. 

There is some Canterbury scene peculiarities in their music, yes. Nevertheless, this is jazz.

Most jazz bands are either guitars or woodwinds dominated. This is the one hundred years long conflict between mainly saxophone or guitars. This conflict also raged in rock'n'roll before Chuck Berry once and for all made electric guitars the coolest, most rock'n'roll instrument in the world.

In jazz, the debate still rages on. To my joy, and the reason why I enjoy this album, is the woodwinds and guitar solos on this album. 

That elevates this thirty-five minutes long album from being a jazz album only for the jazz fans to become an album also prog rock fans can enjoy.

This is indeed a good album and one everyone, progheads and jazzheads, should check out.

I hope to hear more from this band in the future.

3 points



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