Thursday, May 16, 2024

My Dying Bride - The Manuscript (2013)

The 12th EP/single from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, violin, keyboards and vocals.

A guest added drums.

My Dying Bride's EPs is in many cases as interesting and good as their albums. Hence my reviews of most of them and a break of the rules of this blog. My Dying Bride is a special case, a special band.

This half an hour long album has four songs and they are all leftovers from the A Map Of All Our Failures album. An album reviewed a couple of weeks ago in this blog. An album I like a lot.

I guess the band wanted to make a single CD album instead of a double CD album. Or they thought these songs did not fit the theme and ambience of the album. I am not going to question this band's judgement. They had their reasons.

Hence.... this EP. An EP with three pretty melancholic songs in the A Map Of All Our Failures vein and one more death doom metal orientated song. The latter one a pretty harsh sounding song with a pretty brutal soundscape.

The songs are all good and this EP is therefore an EP every fan of this band should have in their collection. 

3 points

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