Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Finnskogen - Flora (2024)

The debut album from this band from Norway.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, synths and vocals.

The band is from the south of Norway but has taken their name from an area at the border with Sweden. The name is direct translated to "The forest of people from Finland". Norway and Sweden had a large population of people fleeing the famines of Finland between the 16th and the 18th century. I have written a novel about one of these families.

Flora is more like an EP, clocking in at twenty-nine minutes, and it is a Bandcamp release too.

The music is psych rock. Psych rock with some post-rock and a lot of prog rock influences. Camel springs to mind in the beginning before early Pink Floyd takes over.

The vocals, synths and guitars are good. Ditto for the other two instruments.

The music is pastoral to mid-tempo. It is softly spoken, indeed.

The songs are decent enough and I hope we hear more, as in longer albums, from this band. This is a debut EP they can be pleased with.

2 points

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