Thursday, October 6, 2022

Osiris - Myths & Legends (1984)

The second album from this band from Bahrain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, guitars, piano, minimoog, organ, keyboards, moog and vocals.

Two guests also added bass and vocals.

The band gives us forty-two minutes of neo-prog.

The neo-prog is of the Dutch tradition and it is pretty much middle-of-the-road like.

There are the usual Marillion, Pendragon and Genesis influences here. What sets this album a bit a part from other basic neo-prog albums, is the slightly Arabic influences and the accented vocals.

The sound leaves a lot to be desired. The music is between decent and good. 

If neo-prog is your favourite genre, Osiris and this album is well worth checking out. I have my reservations.

2.5 points



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