Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cairo - Say (2016)

The debut album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards, synths and vocals.

The band was started by Rob Cottingham from Touchstones and his own solo-career.

I really liked Touchstones. They were/are one of the most talented new prog rock bands from Great Britain. I also got one of Rob Cottingham's solo albums but have yet to listen to it.

Cairo, not to be confused with (as I did) the US symphonic prog band with the same name, has so far released two albums. Both are up for reviews in this blog.

The vocals in Cairo, as in Touchstones, is both male and female. The vocals is good. The music is a mix of neo-prog and heavy prog. Porcupine Tree is a very good reference here.

The music is very complex and at times also eclectic. This is not easy listening, this one hour long album.

The quality is somewhere between decent and good. I hope the band learned from this album and came back with a stronger, better second album. I will soon find out...

2.5 points

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