Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Viathyn - The Peregrine Way (2010)

The debut album from this band from Canada.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

Two guests added guitars and female vocals.

This band released two albums before they gave up and disbanded. 

I got this album strongly recommended by a fan of progressive metal ten years ago. I therefore got the album and then forgot to review it. 

The music here is a mix of power metal and heavy metal. There is no progressive rock here at all.

The music is also very much formula based and offers nothing new to the scene. 

The music is not bad at all. The band knows what they are doing and the music on this one hour long album is decent enough. As I am keen to avoid that genre, I think I will bypass their second album.

2 points

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