Monday, August 26, 2024

Darius - Voices From The Crowd (1997)

The second and final album from this band from Germany.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This band released two albums in the 1990s before they broke up. A live album was also released by the band.

I reviewed their debut album earlier this month and was not too impressed. 

Their music is early days neo-prog. A very good reference the Fish era Marillion. There is also some strong Saga references here. Saga was a very popular band in Germany at that time and influenced a lot of bands in the 1990s. 

The vocals is good and the band does a good job on some decent songs. 

This album is an album fans of the first generation of neo-prog should check out. Both albums, in fact, is worthy the attention of neo-prog fans.

2 points

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