Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Greenwood. John - Dark Blue (2023)

The debut album from this artist from Australia.

John Greenwood did the vocals, bass, guitars, keyboards and ochestration himself.

He got help from numerous guests who provided drums, percussion, bass, woodwinds, strings, guitars, grand piano, keyboards, synths and vocals.

John Greenwood comes from Great Britain, then moved to Australia and became one of the leading experts and plastic surgeons on burns and damaged skin.

During this period, he wanted to write music. He taught himself on several instruments and then got in touch with the guys in Unitopia, Sean Timms and others, to record this album.

I think it is fair to say that John Greenwood is one of the most remarkable persons in the progressive rock scene and that only based on his daytime job and his then retraining to become proficient on several different instruments.

Dark Blue is a musicals and concept album in the good old way.

That means lots of classical musical instruments. Lots of vocals too. This inbetween some classic rock instruments.

The music is bold and big. The quality of the music is not always good. 

This is a good debut album and only time will tell if John Greenwood want to continue down this road as a composer and musician. If this is his only album, I tip my hat to him and says well done. 

2.5 points

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