Saturday, May 11, 2024

Gillan Band. Ian - Scarabus (1977)

The third and final studio album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This is the final Ian Gillan Band album before Ian Gillan returned to the hard rock and heavy metal genre with a new band named Gillan.

This is also the final album from his dabbling in the fusion genre. There is not much fusion here, though. Most of it is r'n'b, soul and mainstream hard rock. There is a lot of Deep Purple references on this album. Too many to be ignored.

There is still some fusion here. But not enough.

The result is a disappointing forty minutes long album. An album not living up to it's good reputation.

Although the music is barely decent, it is still an album well worth checking out due to it's reputation.

2 points



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