Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Hjemlengsel - Nimmermeer (2024)

The debut album from this band from Norway.

The band is a duo with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, accordion and vocals.

Two guests added flute and cello.

This band released a selftitled EP back in 2010 before they returned with this one hour long album. Both releases mainly released on Bandcamp. Hmmm.... I need to get that EP and review it based on what I have experienced on Nimmermeer.

The music is a blend of funeral doom, melancholic post-rock and progressive rock. 

The music is mainly instrumental with a couple of pieces of vocals adding some spice to this album.

The emphasis is on feelings, sadness, gloom, doom and sorrows. The duo has succeeded in this. There is still a lot of doom metal chugging on the guitars here. But there is more to this and the guitars than just repetition chugging guitars. There are also some half-accoustic guitars and proper guitar solos and themes.

This is here where the progressive rock genre comes into play. There is a lot of prog rock here. The music is also pretty bold and epic at times.

The themes are all good. They are pretty melodic and not as esoteric as I thought they would be. The music is eclectic though.

The result is a good to very good album and one to check out. I hope we will hear a lot more from this band in the future. 

3.5 points

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