Saturday, August 3, 2024

What Aleph Said - Aulasy (2024)

The debut album from this band from Switzerland.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass and guitars.

This band is a new band to me and their album has been released through the Bandcamp & Switzerland based label Sixteentimes Music. A record label who also release LPs and CDs from various bands. Their Bandpage page is worth a visit.

The music is a mix of post-rock and stoner rock. Add some psych rock too and you get the picture.

The music is instrumental too.

This three quarters of an hour long album does not really add anything to this scene. My guess is that the band and the music here is more interesting live than on this album.

This is a decent enough album from a band who need to do better if they want to carve out their piece of land in this overpopulated scene.

2 points

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