Sunday, August 4, 2024

Father Figure - Heavy Meddlers (2014)

The second and final album from this band from USA.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, violin, guitars and organ.

A guest added guitars.

The 2012 debut album Congratulations With Your Loss gave us a Bandcamp album full of math-rock with a lot of post-rock influences and some eclectic prog and jazz influences.

So I did expect the same on the follow up album.

And I was not wrong. There is some more metal influences this time around and some less math-rock influences. But these changes are subtle and not major changes.

The music is instrumental and not particular interesting. When it comes to quality, the band has not lived up the standards set on the debut album. Something which may explain the demise of this band.

This is a half-decent album but nothing more than that.

1.5 points






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