Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rain & Anne Marie Ottersen - Camp (1977)

The one and only album from this project from Norway.

The project was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, organ, piano and vocals.

This project was a theater musical from the biggest theater in Norway. The main character was the then and now, in Norway, famous actress Anne Marie Ottersen. She was backed up by Rain, the creators of this musical. Rain has also released a couple of psych rock albums. See review of their album Norsk Suite somewhere else in this blog.

It is pretty obvious that Janet Hay = Janis Joplin. Another name was given and a court case avoided. That is my guess based on the music, lyrics and the promo info around this musical.

The music is.... well, musical like. Anne Marie's vocals is surprisingly good although not on par with a more talented vocalist. But she is not making a fool out of herself and this project. 

The rock and pop on this forty minutes long album is decent. It has some psych rock influences, due to Rain's background as a psych rock band. This album is a bit of a charmer. Nevertheless, it is being let down by some poor sound.

1.5 points

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